Are My Varicose Veins and Spider Veins Genetic?

If you have varicose or spider veins, you might notice that other members of your family have them as well. Varicose and spider veins are caused by venous insufficiency, which has a strong genetic component. Having close relatives with vein disease increases your risk of developing it. Also, if you have children, your kids will be at higher risk of getting spider or varicose veins. Learn more about the risk factors to find out what you can and can’t control.
Uncontrollable Risk Factors for Varicose and Spider Veins
Genetics is just one of the uncontrollable risk factors for developing varicose veins or spider veins. While you are at high risk if one close family member or parent has vein disease, your risk level dramatically increases if both parents have it.
Age is yet another uncontrollable risk factor. Your chance of developing vein disease increases when you reach the age of 50.
If you are a female, you are also at a higher risk for varicose veins or spider veins. Women have higher levels of progesterone than men do, which increase their risk. The risk can get even higher when women get pregnant.
Controllable Risk Factors
You can’t control your gender, age, or genetics. However, you do have the ability to reduce your risk by addressing some other factors.
For instance, if you’re holding on to excess weight, it will put pressure on your veins, leading to damage. Losing weight will reduce your risk of developing vein disease.
Prolonged sitting, standing, and inactivity can impact your circulation. That, in turn, can cause vein disease. Moving around will improve your circulation, thus reducing the risk.
Smoking is also a considerable risk factor. Smokers are less likely to exercise regularly, so you should stop if you want to reduce your chance of developing spider veins or varicose veins.
Finally, failure to manage diabetes and other health conditions can strain your vein valves. That’s why so many people with high blood pressure, diabetes, and chronic medical problems end up with varicose veins. Follow your doctor’s orders to get your health condition under control to reduce your risk.
Get Treatment for Varicose Veins and Spider Veins
You might end up with varicose veins or spider veins due to genetics. Fortunately, you can undergo treatment. Dr. Vinay Madan and the Center for Varicose Veins offers various treatments, including radiofrequency ablation, VenaSeal, endovenous laser ablation and sclerotherapy. Contact the Center for Varicose Veins to schedule a consultation with Dr. Madan. He will recommend the best treatment for your varicose or spider veins.
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