Don’t I Need the Veins That Are Removed During Varicose Vein Treatment?

People are often concerned about undergoing varicose vein treatment to ablate or close off problem veins. They worry that they need these veins, and without them, their blood won’t circulate properly. Fortunately, your body can function without these veins. Let’s take a closer look at varicose vein treatment and how it can improve circulation.
Blood Flow and Varicose Veins – What You Need to Know
Your circulatory system contains superficial and deep veins. The superficial and deep veins are connected to each other by perforator veins. All of these veins usually contain valves that move the blood in one direction, from the superficial veins through the perforator veins and into the deep veins. The deep veins are the major work horse veins of our legs, carrying over 85% of all the volume of blood from our legs to our heart. All of these veins should be evaluated by ultrasound prior to starting varicose vein treatments. We need to exclude problems in the deep veins like deep venous thrombosis prior to intiating treatment. The deep veins are mostly avoided during varicose vein treatments. Varicose veins usually arise from valve damage in the superficial veins. The most common being the great saphenous vein.
When you undergo varicose vein treatment, the vein specialist will close off or ablate only the superficial veins. These superficial veins are minor veins that only carry a small portion of the volume of blood out of our legs. These veins can be ablated or sclerosed successfully resulting in improvement of symptoms. In fact, by excluding these abnormal veins from the circulation, the normal one way flow of blood from your leg veins to the heart is restored, thus improving leg complaints and blood circulation of the legs.
Where Does the Blood Go?
Your vein specialist might treat several varicose veins at once. These treated veins make up only a small portion of the total veins in the circulatory system of our legs. There is a large amount of collateral blood flow in the legs and once these abnormal varicose veins are treated, the blood is now taken up by this large collateral network of veins. The abnormal veins in the legs result in elevation of the pressure in the veins, which is directly caused by the damaged vein valves. This improves once the varicose veins are treated. This drop in pressure results in alleviation in symptoms and improvement in the circulation within the legs.
Varicose Vein Treatment to Avoid Chronic Venous Insufficiency Complications
Because varicose vein treatment improves blood flow, it can prevent chronic venous insufficiency complications. Your vein specialist will treat the varicose veins causing the increased venous pressure from the damaged venous valves. This improves the overall health of your circulatory system, thus reducing the risk of developing chronic problems. Avoiding late stages of vein disease as classified by the CEAP classification, requires recognition of vein disease in its earliest stages with proper conservative management and survaillance so as to avoid unforseen vein disease complications like hyperpigmentation, statsis dermatitis, lipodermatosclerosis and ulceration in the worst cases.
Learn More About Varicose Veins Treatment
Varicose vein treatment can improve your overall health. If you have signs and symptoms of vein disease and chronic venous insufficiency, visit the Center for Varicose Veins and have your legs evaluated by Dr. Vinay Madan.
Center for Varicose Veins offers various treatments, including radiofrequency ablation, VenaSeal, endovenous laser ablation and sclerotherapy. Contact the Center for Varicose Veins to schedule a consultation online.
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