Does Varicose Vein Treatment Hurt?

Regardless of how painful varicose veins are, most people avoid seeing a specialist believing that varicose vein treatment would be an agonizing experience. However, the days of ‘vein stripping’ are behind us and today there are numerous ways that can be used to treat varicose veins. And the best part is that none of them can be described as painful.
Understanding Varicose Vein Treatment
One of the main reasons why most people are so skeptical of varicose vein treatment is that they still think of it as a vein removal process that is brought about through surgical procedures. Till a few decades ago, this was actually true and involved administering anesthesia to the patient followed by a clinical operation and weeks or sometimes months of recovery. However, the entire procedure of varicose vein treatment has evolved and undergone major transformations over the last few years.
Modern Day Treatment of Varicose Vein
Today the treatment for varicose veins is carried out without involving any surgery and rarely ever requires the physical removal of veins. Veins are usually closed by using heat energy in the form of radiofrequency or light. These procedures are grouped under the term thermal ablation and include radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and endovenous laser ablation (EVLA). These procedures can be done with minimal to no pain or discomfort, depending on the skill level of the performing vein specialist. The patient should only feel a few tiny pinches for numbing medication and some pressure, as if someone was pushing on your skin. That should be the extent of discomfort for all forms of varicose vein treatment.
Different Kinds of Varicose Vein Treatment
Although most treatments for varicose veins are nonsurgical these days, it is critical for the vein specialist to have a comprehensive range of treatment options at their disposal to be able treat their patients optimally. Some of these methods include-
Sclerotherapy: It is one of the most widely adopted minimally invasive treatments for varicose and spider veins. It involves the injection of a solution called sclerosant into the veins, which damages the vein’s internal lining leading to a blood clot within the vein. Over a period, the vessel turns into a scar tissue and fades from view.
Radiofrequency Ablation: Radiofrequency ablation is another minimally invasive treatment option for varicose veins that uses radiofrequency waves to damage the wall inside a vein. The damaged tissue turns into a scar tissue form and closes the vein.
Endovenous Laser Ablation: It is a procedure that is used to close varicose veins and restore circulation by making the twisted and bulging veins disappear. This method is similar to radiofrequency ablation except that it uses a laser instead of radio waves for treatment.
VenaSeal: VenaSeal is a specialized venous glue, which is delivered to the refluxing saphenous vein. It acts as an adhesive and immediately seals the vein.
So, Which Varicose Vein Treatment is Ideal for You?
Now that you know that varicose vein treatment is virtually painless these days, it is important to understand that not every treatment option is suitable for all patients. You must first see your vein specialist and try to figure out the pros and cons of each method based on your personal situation.
If you would like to find out the varicose vein treatment option that’s most suitable for you, visit the Center for Varicose Veins in Wilton, CT and book an appointment with Dr. Vinay Madan. Dr, Madan is a board certified Interventional Radiologist and Phlebologist and carries more than 25 years of experience at treating vein diseases. After thoroughly reviewing your medical history and health conditions, Dr. Madan will recommend the treatment option that is best for you.
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